New Zealand photographer Fiona Quinn has provided us with some utterly gorgeous shots she has taken with the 22″ Mola Demi. Fiona reguarly shoots assignments in Australia and New Zealand, shooting fashion and editorial shoots.
I received my white Mola Demi about eight months ago after hiring quite a few times from the local rental studio here. It's a great product and I take it everywhere with me in NZ and Australia and the easily changed speedring means I can use it on my Hensel Porty kit along with my other lights.
The majority of photos on her website have been taken with the 22″ Demi or the 28″ Setti. She always uses the 22″ Demi on her outdoor shoots. If your down New Zealand way, she will be running some workshops later in the year, contact her for more details.
make sure you check out her other beautiful work at