Llumm Studios & Innovafoto Mola test

Our fantastic friends at Llumm Studios, Valencia Spain, recently teamed up with the Spanish Mola distributor, Innovafoto, to create a comprehensive Mola test. There intention was to recreate the same conditions for each softlight, so they could appreciate the differences that exist among the different Mola range.

“I am just excited about the new Mola reflectors. My company, Llumm Studios, in collaboration with Innovafoto, has collected each Mola reflector model to arrange a comprehensive test of their differences and??peculiarities. …??I hope this analysis helps you in choosing your Mola. Although the tests are very exhaustively done, you know results can be changed simply by zooming in or out any on these light sources.”

“The test has two parts: First, focused on the model, Charles, and secondly we took general shots where we could see the light effect over a large area. We will check the differences in shadows and contrast and also the range and light fall-off of each Mola reflector.”

Read up on the testing here -??http://www.llumm.com/test-mola/ (in spanish)

Below is a behind-the-scenes video of the testing process…

and see the results from their test here:??http://www.llumm.com/test-reflectores-mola/ (including images like that shown below, click on the issuu ‘expand’ link)

click below for a bigger version… (courtesy Llumm Studios, translated by Mola)



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  1. Being the owner of two mOLA “Demi silver and Euro white” I can say that this test is flawed, the light stand “head” is at the same distance in all of the shots in relation to the model or the sofa, you cannot judge a mOLA Demi and compare to a Euro by placing it that far away “same distance in meters” a true and cool test that I still haven’t seen anywhere would be to place each dish in a distance from the subject that corresponds to the diameter of the dish itself or x1.5 max the diameter of the dish, I find that using the dishes farther away that what is designed to work turns the mOLA into a big reflector with harsh shadows and no fall off.

  2. You are correct that a true test of each reflector should be at a distance which corresponds to the Foci (a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation, meet after being refracted or reflected.) or focus point of the reflector. Being a complex parabola there is a point at which the reflector will have »focus«.
    Having said that, a number of photographers use their reflectors at twice the distance of that focus point in order to achieve a harder look and deeper shadows. This is not to say that either is right or wrong, it is a matter of preference.
    When testing each reflector, one must keep in mind the distance to subject in relation to the size of the reflector in order to see optimum performance and judge the light quality of the reflector.
    It’s important to test the reflector your using at different distances from the subject in order to find a position or positions that suit your subject.

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