Mola is back in Germany: Mola Softlights is pleased to announce Cool Standard Distribution as Mola’s distributor and online retailer in Germany. Located in Siegen, with a dedicated showroom and knowledgeable staff. Cool Standard Distribution is the voice of Mola Softlights in Germany. Mola Softlights Showroom & Sales Germany by Cool Standard Distribution Birlenbacher Stra??e 155 57078 Siegen Tel: +49 (0)271 70328173
The Mola Setti or Sollo ??? a technical look at both the Mola Setti and Sollo reflectors, their characteristics and comparison. Authored by Leo A. Aquino, photographer Mola Setti or Sollo? That’s a question that’s been asked by more than a few people, including myself, interested in using a BD. And although the question seems simple enough, the answer, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to be. Being the owner of the 28″ Mola Setti White and, more recently, the 28″ Mola […]