Monthly Archives: April 2010

Mola user: Fiona Quinn

New Zealand photographer Fiona Quinn has provided us with some utterly gorgeous shots she has taken with the 22″ Mola Demi. Fiona reguarly shoots assignments in Australia and New Zealand, shooting fashion and editorial shoots. I received my white Mola Demi about eight months ago after hiring quite a few times from the local rental studio here. It’s a great product and I take it everywhere with me in NZ and Australia and the easily changed speedring means I can […]

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Mola user: Richard Warren

Ending the blog-drought with a few more updates, we’d like to introduce you to Richard Warren. Richard Warren is an incredible New York fashion photographer based in NYC. His editorial and non-editorial client list reads like the who’s who of the fashion world, including Vogue, Bazaar, Cosmo, Glamour, GQ, Marie Claire etc! Here is some examples of his work, utilising a gridded 22″ Mola Demi softlight. Make sure you check out the rest of his inspiring portfolio at

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